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Home Loan Modifications

With the current state of the economy and housing market (not good) millions of families who were making their payments and honoring their debts have seen their property values fall, preventing them from refinancing at a lower rate. This is because some studies show that a foreclosure can lower the value of nearby houses by up to 9%. It doesn't help that millions are being laid off or having their hours reduced. Because of this there are up to 6 million families that are threatened by foreclosure over the next few years.
The Home Loan Modification Program, will assist 7 to 9 million homeowners, provided they were making efforts to make payments on their mortgages. It will also try to dampen the effects of the crisis on both families and communities. This program is not open to speculators but ONLY to homeowners who were making good faith attempts to keep up with their mortgage.
The plan will support low mortgage rates as well as making up to 5 million mortgage holders eligible for refinance, and up to 4 million eligible for a lower monthly payments. We negotiate with lenders, investors, borrows, and loan service providers. In an effort to help Americans stay in their homes.
Included in our program, you will receive a call from our attorneys. This is designed to help you understand and explain the process. They will provide clear guidelines of loan modification, and gives local support 
Who may qualify? Homeowners suffering hardships that have put them at risk because of lowered income, expense increases, high mortgage debt compared to income, people upside down in their mortgage; anyone suffering from risk of foreclosure may qualify for a loan modification. Eligibility for the program ends after 3 years.
A homeowner won't necessarily have to be behind in payments to qualify either. Loan modifications work best if they are made before the borrower falls behind. This is for homeowners, not speculators. Call us today for a free confidential consultation 1-800-490-4860. 

Auto Loan Modifications

What is an Auto Loan Modification ?
The concept behind an auto loan modification is fairly simple. With the economy in the tank, there are a great many individuals who are unable to keep up with their automobile payments. With bills getting harder and harder to pay, the idea of working on some type of an auto loan modification has become the saving grace for many automobile owners.

By working with the finance company or dealership, utilizing an auto loan modification can go a long way towards keeping you in your vehicle without suffering any types of penalties for late payments or repossession. Naturally, any automobile owner will want to avoid going into any type of repossession or other type of activity that will damage the vehicle owners credit. In an attempt to salvage the individuals credit as well as keep the automobile, the car loan modification can make keeping up with the monthly payments far easier in the long run.  Decision One Sales Agent Access
With finance companies and dealerships willing to become more and more flexible in order to help individuals stay in their cars, the concept of the auto loan modification has made its way into all walks of life and has become a versatile tool for many individuals to make use of.

Rather than allow an automobile to become repossessed, the owner can negotiate with the finance company and work on an automobile loan modification in order to ensure that they are able to keep their vehicle as well as maintain a strong credit rating. By putting forth this type of effort, many car owners who might otherwise be in jeopardy of losing their automobile can stay on top of their payments as well as continue to keep the automobile itself.

In times of economic hardship, it only makes sense to take advantage of these types of car loan modifications in order to keep your automobile and continue to make payments timely fashion. In many cases, the payments can be reduced or postponed in order to ensure that the automobile owner is able to catch up and make the most of the situation. In most cases, it's in the best interest of the finance company and automobile dealership to ensure that you are able to somehow continue to pay for the automobile that you have purchased.

By modifying an automobile loan, the dealership or finance company can continue to receive payment on the vehicle at hand, rather than lose the investment altogether. In many cases, the dealerships are reluctant to repossess a vehicle until they absolutely have to.

If you are in danger of having your vehicle repossessed or are otherwise having problems staying on top of your car payment, it only makes sense to contact Decision One Solutions and we will contact your finance company or the automobile dealership and work on making some type of car loan modification in order to simplify your payments and keep your vehicle and your credit running at top speed. With the simple and easy to understand car loan modification, even the most financially strapped of individuals can make the most of a bad situation and come back from the brink of disaster.

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      Boat Loan Modification                                    Car Loan Modification          
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       RV Loan Modification                                  Truck Loan Modification  

Types of Automobile Loan Modifications
Very few individuals are happy to find themselves in a situation where they have to work on an auto loan modification. In many cases, you might think that it is a big hassle and a big problem that is almost impossible to execute. The truth is, with the current economic hardships, auto dealerships and finance companies are well aware that many individuals are having a hard time keeping up with their car payments. In fact, you have very likely seen all manner of commercials where automobile dealerships are making all manner of concessions in order to keep customers flooding in and keep putting individuals into automobiles. Because of the flagging economy, these auto dealerships and finance companies are critically aware of the need to make all manner of auto loan modifications in the case of individuals who are having problems and struggling to pay their bills. Decision One Sales Agent Access

There are a multitude of auto loan modifications that can be made, modifications that are not only limited to a particular type of vehicle. In fact, you can get a boat loan modification or even a RV loan modification in the case of those individuals who have purchased these particular types of vehicles and are unable to keep up with the payments.

In fact, any type of vehicle that can be purchased with a financing option can very likely be subjected to an automobile loan modification in order to make the most of the purchasers ability to repay the debt at hand. With this focus on car loan modifications, boat loan modifications and even recreational vehicle loan modifications, it becomes painfully clear that the economy has taught many old dogs new tricks. In the case of finance companies and automobile dealerships, they have become acutely aware that these types of modifications are a required part of working with the customers in order to ensure that the bills continue to get paid and that nobody has to have their vehicle repossessed.

By working with customers in this way, the auto loan modification industry has made all manner of progress in helping people to keep their vehicle and maintain a strong credit rating at the same time. This is basically a win-win situation for everyone involved, as the automobile dealership certainly wants to sell you a car and the owner does not want to have their car repossessed. Whether you are concerned about your RV, your boat or another type of vehicle, the fact that you have financed your automobile means that someone on the other end needs to collect money. If there is any way they can continue to collect money, then they will jump through all manner of hoops to make this happen.

Before you allow your vehicle to be repossessed, make sure you look into the possibility of getting an auto loan modification through Decision One Solutions. Making the effort to contact an auto loan modification specialist can make all the difference in the world for those hoping to keep their RV, boat, car or truck. With specialists who are trained to deal with each unique situation on a case by case basis, it is a simple matter to reach an agreement between all parties involved and continue to keep the money flowing so that the finance company gets what they are owed and the owner of the vehicle does not suffer from repossession.

  How To Qualify For A Car Loan Modification
Who Can Qualify for a Car Loan Modification?
If you are falling behind on your car payment, chances are good that you have at least heard tell of the concept of the vehicle loan modification or other modifications of an automobile loan. The concept of modifying an existing loan is certainly not new, but has come into a new light as the economy continues to crumble. With more and more individuals having a hard time keeping up with their bills, it is not the least bit surprising that so many finance companies, banks and automobile dealerships are concerned with the ability of their consumers to make their payments. By going out of their way and allowing modification of existing auto loan, consumers can be made to feel more secure in their situation and a compromise can be reached in order to keep from repossessing a vehicle.

While it is easy to think of banks and finance companies as heartless bloodsuckers, the truth is, they have no interest in repossessing your vehicle. When a bank repossesses a vehicle or any other financed product, they have to deal with the task of reselling it. Banks are not in the business of selling anything, banks are in the business of loaning money. Whatever money that they have loaned you in order to purchase a vehicle, they need to recoup. By making a vehicle loan modification and working with the consumer, banks and automobile dealerships can help everyone involved and keep from repossessing a vehicle. Naturally, the bank has no interest in taking your vehicle back, as they would simply have to sell it again. This is the last thing that the bank or finance company wants to deal with, as they would much rather just let you keep the vehicle and make some type of modification of the existing automobile loan in order to prevent such drastic measures as a vehicle repossession.

While it might seem obvious at first that the individual might want to keep from having their vehicle repossessed, there are a multitude of reasons that make it almost critical to avoid a repossession. First and foremost, a repossession stays on your credit for seven long years. Nobody in their right mind wants to sabotage their credit in this manner and would very likely do almost anything to avoid having these types of problems. By working on a modification of loan with the bank or lending company, a compromise can be reached that can allow the individual to keep their vehicle and avoid losing their investment. But not only will a repossession damage the owners credit, they also lose every penny that they put down as well as any recurring monthly payments that they have kept current. Losing all of this in one blow is hard for many consumers to come back from, and a vehicle loan modification can make all the difference in the world for these individuals who are having problems staying on top of their bills.
In many cases, a vehicle loan modification is the only option for those who are under water in their car payment.